3D-Move Analysis software Ver. 2.1 Released in June 2013.
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3D-Move analysis software, which has been released by University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), is used to analysis asphalt pavement under variety of loading conditions. It uses a continuum-based finite-layer approach to compute pavement responses. The 3D-Move model can account for important pavement response factors such as moving loads, three dimensional contact stress distributions (normal and shear) of any shape, and viscoelastic material characterization for the pavement layers. This site is dedicated to collecting the feedback, thoughts, issues, and concerns of individuals who are evaluating and/or using the 3D-Move Analysis Software. This group is mainly created for discussing the features of 3D-Move and providing the solution to user's question. User can post any question in the 3D-Move Discussion forum. Your feedback on the 3D-Move is instrumental in ensuring that future changes or enhancements to 3D-Move will meet the needs and expectations of the users. The new updates of the software will be posted by administrator of this group in the newsletters forum. The software is available as a free download at http://www.arc.unr.edu/Software.html. Note that content found in the Group Discussions may not reflect the opinion or policy of the Federal Highway Administration. If you have comments or questions regarding information and material posted on this site, please contact the University of Nevada Reno at elieh@unr.edu or Ellie Hajj at 775-784-1180. Thank you for your participation.

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3D-Move Discussion

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